How To Become a Home Based Travel Agent

Step One

Starting your own travel business is not hard to do. We will break it down to four simple steps.

Step One - Self Assessment

  • Do you love to travel?

  • Do you like helping other people?

  • Do you like learning about new and exotic destinations?

  • Are you self motivated to work toward financial success for yourself and your family?

If your answers to one or more of the above questions is 'yes,' then you are qualified to become a home based travel agent!

Self motivated people who are passionate about travel and helping others, are exactly the type of people that succeed at selling travel. There are no prerequisite educational requirements for entering the travel industry.

Isn't it time you start doing something that you love, while earning a living for yourself and your family?


Click Here to Continue to Step Two - Understanding Licensing, Affiliations, and Host Agencies

To Watch our Complete Video Series entitled
"Introduction to the Travel Industry,"
go to:

ITI – International Travel Institute was established in Houston, TX in 1974 – Thirty-six (39) years of continuing travel industry training. Proud member and participant with the following professional organizations:



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